This week I would like to discuss a very effective method in dealing with chronic Sleep Paralysis. The Sleep Journal. This is a notebook that you keep next to your bed every night. By documenting your sleeping habits and experiences, you can learn a great deal about what patterns and triggers lead you to experiencing Sleep Paralysis more often.

Start off by selecting a notebook that is made just for this purpose. Before you go to bed, write the date and write down details like what time you last had caffeine, what you ate for dinner, how late it was and  what time you went to bed. It might be helpful to include how you are feeling before you go to sleep. Are you feeling anxious or stressed? Did you have a rough day at work? Every time you get Sleep Paralysis, write down the time and a little about what your experience was.

After some time has passed, start to read back on your records. Are you noticing that you are getting Sleep Paralysis more often when you eat certain foods? Are you noticing that your sleep schedule is erratic or irregular? Do you see that you get Sleep Paralysis less often when you eat earlier in the night?

Take your journal with you to your doctor appointments. This can provide them with very useful information to help you. Remember, you have every right to sleep soundly and without anxiety or fear. By paying close attention to your body and your mind, and reflecting on your habits, you can help yourself rest better and feel more at ease at night.
